Sunday, February 15, 2015

Pyramid Workout Progress: Week 1

I figured I'd post once a week during the cycle and update everyone on modifications and my own personal progress and opinions on the workouts, since I'm doing them all with you!

So, here it goes:
I AM SO DEAD! These workouts are tough, man.  I've been isolating one muscle group (i.e. just doing triceps or just doing chest) for a while now, but nothing compares to supersetting a pyramid workout.  I'm not kidding.  I finished the tricep workout on Tuesday, and just opening my laptop was so difficult, I may as well have been doing weighted dips. But no matter how painful the workouts are, after every single one, I have felt like I actually targeted the muscle group that I was going for (which is sometimes hard for me, especially for shoulders!). 

So far, so good! Keep it up, and let me know how your first week went!
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Monday, February 9, 2015

Workouts...FINALLY! 2/9/15-1/1/15

AH you guys, I finally made a new workout schedule. So here's what's going to happen: we're gonna use the same workouts for three weeks.  They say that it takes 21 days to make a habit/see a change/many other positive things for a healthy you, and that's how long each workout "cycle" is going to last.  We'll do these 6 workouts for three weeks, track our progress, and then switch it up to keep our bodies guessing.

So, without further ado, here is this cycle of workouts! I decided to make it into a spreadsheet so you can track the weights you use, as well as input notes of how the workout went and what you want to improve upon.

Also, I didn't include an ab workout in the spreadsheet, nor did I insert any cardio; feel free to tweak and add as you see fit! I've just been doing some crunches and leg lifts at the end of every other day.

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Sunday, February 1, 2015

New Year, New Me...?

Okay, so I know it's been forever since I've blogged...last semester was insane for me (second semester of both organic chemistry and physics).  But you don't want to hear my excuses and I don't want to make them.  The bottom line is, I sucked at blogging.  I'm hoping to change that, starting now.

A quick little update about my life before we get started:

  • My boyfriend and I, the one I met on tinder, have been dating for 11 months today.
  • He left for his first deployment on Saturday, January 17th for 193 days (I swear I'm not crazy, those are just the official orders).
  •  I just started my 6th semester at the U of A as a nutritional sciences major.
  • I still work at the gym on campus, training to become a supervisor.
  • After a really rough last semester, I'm working on getting my health back to a comfortable state.  
I'm not one to make New Year's Resolutions because I know how [un]likely I am to stick to them.  However, this year (I swear it's been going on, I'm just a month late in writing about it!), I want to dedicate myself to, well, myself.  I'm trying to become more healthy, not only in regards to my body, but my mind as well.  I want to do better in school, straighten out in my fitness journey, and just become a happier person overall.

My goals for the year to come:
  • Blog at least a couple times every week.
  • Drop my body fat percentage.
  • Study and become a CPT (Certified Personal Trainer).
  • Shadow a Physical Therapist. 
  • Become a healthier, happier person; one step at a time.
I don't consider any of these bullets something that's on a "To Do List", but simply a record of what is going to happen in my life in the upcoming year. I hope you all can forgive me for being so absent, and can continue to stay with me on this journey!

 Do you have any New Year's Resolutions? What are they?

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