Sunday, February 1, 2015

New Year, New Me...?

Okay, so I know it's been forever since I've blogged...last semester was insane for me (second semester of both organic chemistry and physics).  But you don't want to hear my excuses and I don't want to make them.  The bottom line is, I sucked at blogging.  I'm hoping to change that, starting now.

A quick little update about my life before we get started:

  • My boyfriend and I, the one I met on tinder, have been dating for 11 months today.
  • He left for his first deployment on Saturday, January 17th for 193 days (I swear I'm not crazy, those are just the official orders).
  •  I just started my 6th semester at the U of A as a nutritional sciences major.
  • I still work at the gym on campus, training to become a supervisor.
  • After a really rough last semester, I'm working on getting my health back to a comfortable state.  
I'm not one to make New Year's Resolutions because I know how [un]likely I am to stick to them.  However, this year (I swear it's been going on, I'm just a month late in writing about it!), I want to dedicate myself to, well, myself.  I'm trying to become more healthy, not only in regards to my body, but my mind as well.  I want to do better in school, straighten out in my fitness journey, and just become a happier person overall.

My goals for the year to come:
  • Blog at least a couple times every week.
  • Drop my body fat percentage.
  • Study and become a CPT (Certified Personal Trainer).
  • Shadow a Physical Therapist. 
  • Become a healthier, happier person; one step at a time.
I don't consider any of these bullets something that's on a "To Do List", but simply a record of what is going to happen in my life in the upcoming year. I hope you all can forgive me for being so absent, and can continue to stay with me on this journey!

 Do you have any New Year's Resolutions? What are they?

 photo squatssig_zps900cefef.png

1 comment:

  1. - go to Montana

    but really, go girl! being a happier you is always important!
